online . The leaksAttack.Databreachdid n't take place because of a flaw in the national Aadhaar system , but through government agencies that handle Aadhar data . According to the report , just four government programs are responsible for leakingAttack.Databreacha whopping number of 135 million records . The programs mentioned in the report are India 's National Social Assistance Programme ( NSAP ) , the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme ( NREGA ) , the Govt . of Andhra Pradesh 's Chandranna Bima Scheme , and the Govt . of Andhra Pradesh 's Daily Online Payment Reports of NREGA . The prevalence of Aadhaar data is how The Centre for Internet and Society has discovered the leakAttack.Databreach. Improperly configured systems exposedAttack.Databreachthe details of program participants on the Internet . While the full Aadhaar database was never exposedAttack.Databreach, details in the government program databases allow a fraudster to tie a person 's leaked details ( names , addresses , phone numbers ) to an Aadhaar 12-digit ID . If enough of these details leakAttack.Databreachin different places , fraudster can build comprehensive profiles on Indian citizens , even recreating the Aadhaar database themselves . For its part , the Indian government has admitted that some of the Aadhaar database has leakedAttack.Databreachonline through its ministries , said it started investigations , and is already preparing changes to Aadhaa'rs security policies . Right now , because of the massive leakAttack.Databreachof 135 million details , including Aadhaar IDs , Indians stand to become victims of financial fraud . In the future , as other government programs leakAttack.Databreachmore data , including biometrics , the problem will pass the point where the government could do anything to fixVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerabilityit .